
Monday, November 25, 2013

DIY Christmas Wishlist Ornaments

Christmas is a time where tradition comes alive. Memories are made, family recipes are shared and many cultures celebrate Christmas in their own, special ways. When I was in elementary school, I remember learning about how Christmas was celebrated in different countries and it was so interesting to me. I tell my girls about Christmases over my lifetime that are very special to me - like the Christmas I got a Popeye gumball machine. I just LOVED that thing. I also remember making ornaments in my classes at school or church and it was always fun for me. So, when I saw these clear Christmas ornaments at Hobby Lobby {50% off}, I knew it was time to make ornaments with my girls. I wanted to help them make something useful that would leave us with fun memories for years to come. So, I gathered my supplies and we made Christmas wishlist ornaments.
  • First, I cut small pieces of paper to write our lists on. Then, the girls wrote in their own handwriting their lists. {I helped the youngest.} Be sure to write the year and child's name on the top of the list so you can remember for years to come!
  • Next, I shredded a small rectangle of scrapbook paper in the color of their choice to make filler for our ornaments. You could use strips of tissue paper, tinsle, fake snow or anything else you can find instead of scrapbook paper, too.
  • Finally, we took the tops off, added our filler and strategically placed our lists in the middle. Just add ribbon of your choice to the top hook and you're done!
We made these last year, but tonight when we put up our tree, the girls found these ornaments and really enjoyed seeing what they wished for last year. It was very fun and memorable for them. We're going to do it again this year!

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