
Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days

I came across the blog White House Black Shutters two days ago while browsing my Instagram feed. A friend posted this photo:
I have been putting off decluttering and purging my house all year and seeing this was just the motivation I needed! It all officially started yesterday with the idea of decluttering your house and life during the 40 days of Lent. I don't normally observe Lent, but I do need to declutter my house so I'm in!

Yesterday, I got busy cleaning out my youngest daughters' shared room, my master closet and half of my laundry room. I ended up with 6 bags of stuff to donate and 2 bags of garbage!
I know this makes me sound like I never clean out closets, etc since I have all of this stuff to get rid of, but I do this several times a year! I have know idea where we get all of this junk!? 

Today I managed to clean out the junk drawer in my kitchen and declutter my mail station despite being gone all day, so I'm feeling good about my progress. I need to take before & after pictures but so far I've been too excited to get started and have forgotten to snap pictures. 

What room in your house needs to be decluttered?

Thanks for stopping by!

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