
Friday, July 25, 2014

My First Sewing Camp

A couple of weeks ago, I held my very first sewing camp. I wasn't quite sure what to expect and I was a little nervous about it because of never having done it before, but it was a great success! I so enjoyed planning for it and then teaching young girls how to start sewing.
We had a fun week with much chatter, giggling and learning. The girls came every morning very excited to get to work on their projects and they really learned quickly.
Our goal was to make two projects while learning the basics of sewing. {I plan to write a post on how to throw your own sewing camp in just a few weeks, so stay tuned for all the details!}
We made skirts the first two days.
But their favorite project was making a cross-body bag. They were all about the bag! It's such a practical item and they were thrilled that they actually made it themselves.
It was a rewarding week. The excitement these girls had about learning a skill that will benefit them for a lifetime was worth every seam that had to be ripped out and resewn!

One more sewing camp is in my near future and then I'll post all about my planning process and share how you can host your own sewing camp! It was a blast!!
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  1. Looks and sounded like it was a blast . Great job Amy teaching the next generation skills we use to learn in school but are not taught in most schools now. And the one on one time these girls will never forget.

  2. I love this.. I was just telling a younger person in my days in school in middle school we had home economics class the first half was sewing and the second half cooking.. life has changed so much.. It's just computers computers like nothing else matters in life.. I think this is so awesome. I found your blog this morning .. and I adore the driving license's.. so sweet.. lovely blog on my way to look at a few more post.. Happy Saturday with love Janice

    1. Thank you for taking time to comment and look around my blog! I had home ec classes in middle school, too, and loved them! They do things very different these days!


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