
Monday, December 15, 2014

Holly Jolly Happenings...(+ free printable!)

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The most wonderful time of year is upon us and while I'd love to be back in the blogging saddle more consistently right now, I've been busy with many other things and intentionally spending more time with my family. As you can tell from this and this, my world has been turned upside down since August. Blogging is still a passion of mine, and my plan is to get back to it more often starting in January.

To catch you up, here's what's been going on lately:

1. We are finishing up our first semester ever of homeschooling. My girls are in 6th, 3rd and 1st grade and these last few months have taught me a few things.

  • I'm stronger than I thought I was. Doesn't the song say, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" While I hate the song, I think it might have a little truth to it. The jury's still out. I'll keep you posted, but if you don't hear from me again, forget everything I just said.
  • Never say "NEVER". After 38 years of life, I should know better. I have said for years I would never homeschool. The fact is while I do not love everything about it, I like a whole lot about it. However, there are days when I have to remind myself exactly what it is that I like and hope that the next day will be better.
2. Our days in this apartment are numbered and for that I am so thankful! We are building a house and hope to move in next Spring. So, in the meantime, we are learning to share our personal space and looking forward to having a little more of our own space in the near future. It will be worth it! We decorated very simply this year with one of our small trees adorned with the girls' keepsake ornaments, new stockings (because we can't find our old ones - 3/4ths of our belongings are still in boxes), and a lighted wreath above the mantel. On the bright side, it will be easy taking it all down.

3. With my husband's new job (hence the reason we moved to Kentucky), we have more time together as a family. It's been such a blessing! We have explored so many fun places in just this short time of living here. Some of our favorites have been the Cincinnati Art Museum, The Cincinnati History Museum, and the Creation Museum. (Do you detect a theme?) Stay tuned for my review of all of our favorite places in case you plan to visit Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati anytime in the future.

4. I have begun a new adventure in the world of essential oils! I started using essential oils several months ago and have been amazed at how they help me and my family to stay healthy or heal from different things. I plan to post periodically about the oils I love and use most, but if you'd like more info in the meantime, check out my website!  I'm a believer in the power of these natural oils and benefit greatly from using them. Do you use them? If so, what are your favorites and what do you use them for? I'd love to know!

That's about all for now! I'll be back soon, but until next time.... Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

Check out my Pinterest boards for lots of Christmas inspiration!

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