
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming Soon...

Yes, I'm still here. And my sewing machine is still sitting on my desk in my living room. Life has just gotten crazy busy for me the last few weeks and I had to postpone some of my projects I've been wanting to do and post. But, as soon as my biggest project right now is completed, I'll be back posting some more fun and easy tutorials. My days have been filled with:
 Making lists. LOTS of lists. I have a LOT to do. Did I mention I've made LOTS of lists??? I've also been crossing LOTS off of my list which feels so very good. Which makes me want to make more lists. Vicious cycle.
 Made my momma this necklace for Mother's Day. {You'll get it in a few days, Mom!} She's on a much-needed vacation at the moment. She is quite a woman! So thankful God chose her for me.
 I've been making some homemade cleaners that claim to be the BEST EVER. We'll see. The jury's still out. So far, I like them okay.
Bought myself some of these the other day. WOWZA! I love these addicting little things. My favorite hard candy. Ever.
I'd like to find a way to do a little more of this, but my calendar is pretty full these days and with my girls getting out of school soon, this will be a thing of the past. No rest for the weary. {ha}

Don't worry! I'll be back real soon with some fun, new stuff! Check back often! You can also find me on Pinterest here. I post all of my stuff from this blog there and some of my inspiration there, too.

Ta-ta for now!

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I love your comments and love hearing from each of you!