
Monday, March 11, 2013

Art as a Window Treatment {Before & After}

Spring is here {as far as I'm concerned} and I'm ready to give my whole house a makeover. For 6 years, we've endured a darker color palette and although I loved it at first, I really don't love it anymore. The browns are really bothering me lately. So, my downstairs has been slowly getting a facelift with brighter, more current colors and I love it! The biggest problem on my first floor {besides a big brown accent wall that will be changing soon} was my sliding door window treatment. I've googled, checked out Pinterest, etc. and no one has any good ideas for dressing up a sliding door. I had to dig way down deep into the creative recesses of my mind to find something I now really love to look at. Here's the before.
While I loved it in the beginning, the big overbearing brown burlap valance just had to go. And the curtains...well, they were dirty and I shrunk them in the dryer so they were about 3 inches above the floor before I finally took them down for good.
Here's the after.
I posted here about how to make these no-sew 30 minute dropcloth curtains. I absolutely love them and honestly, it didn't even take 30 minutes to make them. However, I wasn't sure what to put in the blank space between the door trim and the curtain rod. We have 9 ft ceilings and the space just felt too empty. Here's where the digging down into the recesses of the creative mind comes in. My talented brother made me this art of one of my favorite verses {Jeremiah 29:11} for Christmas a year ago and it just hit me that they would fit perfectly in that space. Not only that, but I would be able to see them and enjoy them every single day, multiple times a day. Serves as a great reminder and a perfect way to accessorize my sliding glass door. I only wish I had thought of it sooner!

This is probably my most favorite window treatment in the house right now! I can't wait to show you more. I've been taking down all the dusty old curtains and making new ones. Stay tuned for more!
I'm sharing this with some of these parties.


  1. Isn't if funny, Amy, how all of a sudden you look around and find that you are just TIRED of something you once loved? I really like how you have lightened things up and it looks wonderful--xo Diana

  2. I find every detail very apt, Amy – the dropcloth, the black curtain rail, even the chandelier, and the verse! It is such a nice read before setting your foot out. It suggests that no matter where you’re going today, you don’t have to worry because there is already a good plan intended for you. :] -->William


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