
Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Make Your Own Basket Liners {Tutorial}

Several years ago, I found a neat idea from Martha Stewart. She {or her people} had taken a coat hook shelf and hung it at counter height in an entry way. It served a great purpose and allowed the shelf part to actually get used since it was now at a height that was usable. I thought it was genius. That's when I began my search for a shelf kind of like that to put on an odd wall in my kitchen underneath my chalkboard. I found this one at the Pottery Barn Outlet for a good deal and snatched it right up. It's perfect for holding hairbrushes, hairbows, and all sorts of girly stuff. Keys, loose change, etc. also get thrown in there. Sometimes they're just full of junk and have to be cleaned out, but it's much better than having everything all over my counters. Backpacks and purses hang on the bottom hooks. It's the perfect solution for my space.
It did not come with baskets, so I started looking around. That's when I realized how expensive baskets were! I looked for awhile because I needed just the right size. One day I was shopping at Big Lots and found them! $7 each and they were already lined. I brought them home and was thrilled that they fit and were the right color. The liners worked great for 6 years, but with all the changing of the color scheme around here I just noticed the other day that they no longer match. So, what was I to do but try making my own....out of drop cloth. So, here ya go....  It was very simple and quick. It took me longer to write this post than to make the liners. That's how simple it was. I can't believe I put it off for so long!
Use your current liner as a pattern or lay it out on top of new fabric to mark and cut. My liners only had two seams. The main piece of fabric went from front down the middle and to the back, then, two side pieces were sewn on. If you do not have a liner in your basket to use as a pattern, measure your basket {front facing you} from front top, down the inside through middle and up the back. Add a few inches to this measurement to account for the edge that is folded over the basket edges + 1" for the hem. Measure the width + 1" for 1/2" seam allowance on each side. Then, measure sides by starting at the top and measuring just to the bottom of the side (don't go all the way through the basket and up the other side - the main piece takes care of that). Add the same amount of inches you did for the main piece to account for the edge that is folded over + 1" for hem. Measure the width + 1" for 1/2" seam allowance on each side.

 Place liner in basket and fold the top edge over each side of the basket. Mine fit perfectly! {Sigh of relief}

I'm sharing this with some of these parties.


  1. Great job- I actually have a couple of those baskets that I need to make liners for. Great tutorial- xo Diana

  2. Thanks for this. I'm a new seamstress and will be adding this to my to do list! You can see my first sewing project here:

  3. What a great tutorial! This is especially great for all those thrift store baskets that have non-existent or non-matching liners. We'll be featuring this over at Someday Crafts tomorrow, so come on over if you have a minute.

  4. I always wondered how to make these. Thanks so much for sharing your tutorial!


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