
Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, Monday {Making Memories}

Life gets to be so daily sometimes and it's always nice to step away from the mundane tasks of life and spend real, quality time together as a family. Making memories is important! I want my girls to grow up and be able to look back at their childhood as having lots of fun times together as a family. I want them to view family the way I do - that apart from their relationship with God, their family relationships are the most important ones and these relationships need to be cultivated and protected. We love to take day trips or just drive around on beautiful, sunny days and this weekend we had a couple of gorgeous days. We didn't have a lot of time so we decided to stay kind of close to home and drove about an hour away to Cowpens, SC. My 9 year old is a history buff. She loves everything that has to do with history, especially when it comes to American History. I love that she soaks in every detail down to specific dates and names of people and battles, etc. She's just like her dad in that area. We've lived in this area her whole life and have driven past the sign for Cowpens Battlefield many times and just never have taken the time to visit it. Much to our surprise, there is a visitor's center, a walking trail, a driving trail, and lots of info about this significant battlefield. We had a great time together and my big girl was in her element! I'm pretty sure she'll never forget our little trip to Cowpens Battlefield.
We had to stop at every sign and read all about everything.
These two enjoyed hanging out the window while riding around the trail.
Standing in the footprints of a real Revolutionary Soldier.
Learning to shoot a wooden gun.
Thousands of peach trees blossoming! Beautiful sight!
Getting windblown. Lots of laughs.
Exhausted from a few fun hours of family fun.

What's your favorite day trip?

1 comment:

  1. Those are some wonderful, wonderful memories you are making there, Amy. I love the pics of the girls in the car. I have some of those of my grands and they are some of my favorites. Blessings to your beautiful family- xo Diana


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