
Friday, April 26, 2013

Thrifty Finds + a Couple Tips for Thrifting

I love going to my local thrift stores! We have several around here that price their stuff fairly cheap. I don't find something everytime I go but sometimes you just have to walk out empty handed. These are a couple of my tips for thrifting...
1) Go in with a plan or a list. (Or at least an idea of the type of things you are looking for.)
If you go in just to look around you're likely going to come out with stuff you don't really need or have any idea what to do with it. Don't get me wrong, I love to go and 'just look', but more often than not, I'll end up buying stuff I don't have a place for.
2) Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you should buy it. There are a LOT of great deals out there especially at yard sales, but seriously, remember that this treasure you're looking at is someone else's junk. Some of my friends yard sale and find great things to resell on ebay and they make money doing that. If you're going to do that, make sure you have a plan and a place for it all so that you don't become a hoarder. Get it, list it and get rid of it. Using the ebay app for iPhone is great here. You can look up whatever item you're hoping to sell (before you buy it) and find out what it's going for on ebay. This will give you a great idea of whether it's worth it to buy it or not.
3) It's okay to walk away. When you're at yard sales, it's sometimes awkward to walk away empty handed. Get over it. (I still feel awkward.) Just because the person is standing there staring at you browsing at their junk doesn't mean you have to buy it. I'm not a yard sale pro by any means, but I hope to do more of it this year. My friends are great yard salers!
These are a few of my recent finds by thrifting!

What rules to do you go by for thrifting? Are you an impromptu buyer?

Happy Yard Saleing this weekend!
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I'm sharing this with some of these parties!

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