
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Words to Live By

Some days you just have to be reminded of this. I haven't had one of these days recently, but over the years, I've had plenty. I have a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics and took several semesters of various sewing classes. I'm pretty sure the seam ripper is my most used tool besides my sewing machine itself. We have a love/hate relationship, my seam ripper and I. It's a handy tool, but I never want to need it.
Have you seen the new seam rippers?
Very ergonomic. For those who plan to use theirs for hours on end. Yikes! Here's to hoping our seam rippers will just be a decorative item on our craft tables!! But if you need a good one, you can find that one here. Or just go to Hobby Lobby. I saw a good selection there.

Happy Sewing!!

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  1. Haha! So true! I've definitely spent plenty of time with a seam ripper myself in my lifetime, too.

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with my seam ripper, too!;>) xo Diana


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