
Friday, May 31, 2013

New Favorite Product Alert!

This is NOT a paid advertisement. I have not received anything from this company to promote this product.
I have had a "Where have you been all my life?" moment this week and just felt like it was my duty to share this with you. Kind of like a public service announcement. And if you have struggled all of your life {or even a very small part of your life} with frizzy hair, this is for you. I have naturally curly hair and live in the South. Now, that alone is probably enough explanation, but let me just say humidity and my hair are like arch enemies. They do not mesh. They are in a constant battle against each other and my hair almost always loses. This being the summer season, the battle gets more intense. Because my hair is both curly and very thick and given my location, I try to keep a short hairstyle - one that easily worn curly or straight depending on what I feel like that day. I generally straighten my hair daily to avoid the whole issue of out of control, very tempermental curly hair that changes with the weather. And I have to say that I love my current no-fuss haircut that is easy to straighten, but it can still have a tendency to get all crazy with this humidity despite using my favorite hairspray {Tresemme - all day humidity resistance}. So, the other day, when I was leisurely strolling the haircare aisle at Wal-mart, I decided to look for something that might help with the frizz problem. I was looking for two qualities: not too heavy or greasy like pomade and something to help smooth. This is what I found...
It cost me $3.48 and I am pretty sure it will last several months on my short haircut. It isn't heavy; doesn't weigh down my hair. Not greasy at all. And it makes my hair look a little shiny - not oily shiny, but healthy shiny. I love it! I wore it today after washing my hair, straightening it and getting out in the humidity and it is still smooth and looks like it did this morning. Where has this been all my life?!
{Again, I was not asked to advertise this nor have I received any compensation whatsoever for doing it.}
Thanks for stopping by!
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