
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Things to Do This Summer {Picnic Edition}

It's that time again! Time to make some plans for the summer to keep from hearing those two little words: I'm boooooored! So, as I have been making lists and brainstorming about all the wonderful, fun and happy things to do this summer with my kids and as a family, one theme keeps recurring: Picnics! I love a good picnic whether it's just eating supper on the back patio, going to a park, etc. The whole family enjoys it! Here are a few ideas I found that I may incorporate into our summer and thought I'd share with you.
Use these adorable printables to invite friends out for a fun summer evening picnic! Have it at a local park, in your backyard or even indoors. Make it a picnic theme with lots of bright, summer colors - {Theme ideas: lemonade, citrus, gingham, floral}
Pick a color theme and make lunchtime with the kids a fun, memorable time together a few days this summer! Just carry it out to a shady spot in the backyard, lay down the blanket, eat and then read some books from the library together about picnics or just some favorite books. This is sure to leave a lasting impression on the kids! Time well spent. {Theme: by color or based on their favorite book like 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.}
{Cannot find original source for this pic.}
Sometimes, you just have to use the trunk of the car to have a picnic! These are the things memories are made of! My sister and I and a few of our girls had a picnic in the back of her suburban once and it was fun. Just park somewhere with a view and you're all set! This would be fun for a date night! I love the use of quilts for picnic blankets!
Sometimes you just have to use what you have, but when you find things like these on sale, get them and save them for picnics! Colorful paper bags, paper trays, chinese take-out boxes (these come in lots of sizes and colors at World Market), travel cups with straws (Dollar Tree), ribbon, baker's twine, cute tablecloths, etc. It's those little touches that really make people feel special and it looks like you've put a lot of thought and time into it.

And let's not forget about yummy, picnic food & drinks!!

There are so many ways to have a picnic! Find some fun ones you'd like to do and plan them! I know I'm planning to do several this summer with the family and I'm really looking forward to it! This weekend would be GREAT! Memorial Day is a great day to have a picnic, so plan one!

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1 comment:

  1. We had our first grown-up picnic recently and it was so much fun! We're in Texas so we only have a few more weeks before it's too hot.


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