
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Vacation {Boston}

As I mentioned here, we recently returned from a great family road trip and I'm finally able to weed through some of the pics. Our first destination was Boston. My husband grew up in the Boston area and we'd been wanting to take our kids for a stroll down memory lane and to show our oldest some of the great, historical places she's already learned about in school. She's our history lover and Boston was a highlight of the trip for her!
Our first big site when entering Boston was a quick view of Fenway Park. Home of the Boston Red Sox. {Our favorite baseball team, of course!}
After finding a parking spot {which wasn't too hard considering it was a Friday night at dinner time}, we meandered on down to Faneuil Hall, but not before passing the Old State House where just outside its doors in 1770 the Boston Massacre occurred. My 5 year old loved the golden unicorn that stands on top of the building. She's not all that into history, yet.
{Faneuil Hall in the evening}
{Faneuil Hall Marketplace}
{Inside Faneuil Hall the next day. This is where town meetings would be held.}
The next place we went after watching some street performers and waiting on the rest of our party to arrive was Durgin Park. It's a yummy restaurant that's been around for a long time. It's one of the places we look forward to going when we're in Boston. Definitely stop and have a bite to eat when you're in town! I recommend the Yankee Pot Roast.
 {Located in Faneuil Hall Marketplace}
 {Inside Durgin Park}
It was late when we left Durgin Park so we called it a night and got up early the next morning to do most of our sightseeing. After catching the T, we rode into Boston to spend the day hitting a few of the sites we could see since it was our only full day to spend there. First stop, ferry ride to see the U.S.S. Constitution.
{It was probably the hottest day of the year in Boston that day. We were all dying from the heat, but still had a great time!}
{The U.S.S. Constitution - still a commissioned vessel in the Navy}

You can tour the ship for free, but do not ring the brass bell on board. That's reserved for officers entering/leaving the ship. We were not able to tour the bottom level because of the heat that day. It's still a beautiful sight to see.
Don't forget to stop by the museum, too!
More on Boston later! There's just so much to see and do in Boston. If you ever get the chance to visit, do! You won't be disappointed.
Sharing with some of these friends.
Thank you for stopping by!

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