
Monday, August 26, 2013

Thrifting {a sneak peek}

Now that the kids are back to school, I've been able to hit a couple of thrift stores without running the risk of having to buy more and more children's books {we have a million of them} or being begged to 'look at the toys' or having to take someone potty. I hit a Goodwill I don't visit often because it's not on my usual route and was very pleasantly surprised when I found this hidden gem...
I've been on the hunt for a desk for my oldest daughter's room and just hadn't found the right one...until now. I almost settled for lesser ones, but I'm so glad my husband talked me out of them. This little beauty was only $25. I'm tickled to death!! She will be gorgeous when I get through with her. A little cleaning, a little sanding, some paint {maybe paper too?} and some new knobs and she'll be better than new!

What color would you paint her? I'm kinda fond of light gray. Any suggestions? I want it to be a color that will survive an almost 10 year old girl's ever-changing tastes. I hope this will last her a few years or more!

Stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Grey sounds good to me- of course, so does white or black!;>) That is going to be great looking when you are done with it- xo Diana


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