
Monday, September 23, 2013

Alabama's Hidden Treasure {Fun Shopping Experience}

A few weeks ago, my sister and I were invited to attend a blogger event in Scottsboro, AL. It didn't take long for us to say yes because that meant we'd get to see family that we rarely get to see AND go experience a really cool store we'd never been to. If you've ever heard of Scottsboro, Alabama, you either have family or friends there or you've heard of Unclaimed Baggage. That's pretty much the main attraction in Scottsboro.
Unclaimed Baggage gave us the whole experience of touring their store and giving us the history of their business which is extremely interesting! Watch this video clip if you've ever wondered where all the lost airline luggage goes!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
You never know what you'll find there on any given day. They put out 7,000 new items per day on the sale floor! That is absolutely astounding. Lest you think the airlines are not doing a good job returning lost luggage, they do actually find the owners of 98.5% of the lost luggage. So, Unclaimed Baggage represents the tiny 1.5% of lost and unclaimed bags! These are a few of the things I saw while there:

When you visit, be sure to be a part of the Unpacking the Bag Experience!
This particular bag had a laptop, winter clothes, exercise bands and Russian souvenirs in it. Apparently, it belonged to someone who was on their way home from Russia. Totally fun experience!
Unclaimed Baggage donates a lot of what they receive including 100,000 pairs of eyeglasses/sunglasses each year to the Lions Club, along with plenty of other items to other charitable organizations.
The neat thing about Unclaimed Baggage is that it is NOT a thrift store. A thrift store accepts things people no longer want. Unclaimed Baggage is full of things people do want - they just lost it and it cannot be returned.
You never know what you'll find!
Your visit will not be complete unless you stop by Cups Cafe in the front of the store to taste their Chicken Salad - Voted Best in Jackson County year after year! I had it. And it was delicious!
I wanted to point out - every November, they hold a Ski Sale. This is a largely attended event. People come from everywhere to get great deals on ski equipment! If you ski, you might not want to miss it!
Thank you, Unclaimed Baggage for a GREAT day!

So, when are you going???

Sharing this with some of these friends!
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  1. Definitely a fun trip! Can't wait to go back!

  2. glad you had such a great time now come back soon


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