
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Eight {a birthday celebration}

Today is a BIG day!

Eight years ago today, my 2nd daughter was born. We had no idea what our little family was missing out on until she was born! She was our first child to be born with beautiful blue eyes.
The silly girl in the family. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't hear her laughing and trying to make everyone else laugh. 
Her favorite hobby is drawing. She's our artist in residence and has a pencil in her hand about 90% of the time.
This sweet girl loves her family. She has a sweet spirit and is full of compassion for others. She is very tender hearted.
Her best friend was born just a few hours before her on the same day. They love to tell people their story. They were born in the same hospital, same room - just a few hours apart. Same doctor. They have the same middle name. They also have the same house - meaning the same floor plan of house by the same builder. They have a sweet friendship and everyone in their Sunday School class has heard their story - over and over again. They've been talking about their birthday for weeks now. It's the biggest day of the year for these two girls - and they think everyone should feel the same way about it. I'm pretty sure this friendship will last a lifetime.
God has given us eight beautiful years with our girl and we are so blessed. Our family would not be complete without her. God has great plans for her life. I can already see a little bit of who He is shaping her to be and it's very exciting to watch her grow and mature. What a privilege it is to be her mom!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Amy- She is just a beautiful child and you can see the personality coming right through the photos. What a blessing a bright child is- xo Diana

  2. Ooooops-Forgot to say HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY-!!!!

  3. I love this!! Happy Birthday 8 year old little girlies!!! Thankful for the sweet friendship these two have shared!


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