
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fall Cleaning Schedule {a free checklist + app}

What's your favorite thing about Fall? The beautiful colors, the cooler weather, pumpkin spice lattes and so much more makes me so happy about Fall coming! I even like {not love} Fall cleaning. I think I'll like it much better this year with all the kids gone to school. It's a little easier having the house to myself.
I've been using a cleaning method for a few years now that really helps me stay on track and get it all done! I love lists, but sometimes it's more fun to make the list than actually do the cleaning. I love that Real Simple has made the checklist for me and it's pretty detailed so that you are sure to get everything done that needs some attention. Click here to get your free checklist!
And if you are more into having your checklists handy at all times, click here to get Real Simple's To-Do app for your iPhone or iPad.
These are a few of the categories of lists on this app that are very helpful and are so convenient when you're out and about and you need to pick up a few things or what-have-you.
When you click on the 'cleaning' icon, you'll see this come up. These lists are pretty exhaustive and they let you check off the items as you go. It's really very convenient! You can also customize the lists by adding your personal to-do items to it.
I also love that you can set a date to have these done by. It is motivation to get it done in a timely manner.
Another great feature is the 'delegate' feature. You can actually delegate a certain task to anyone on your Contact List in your phone. Too bad none of my kids are old enough to have a phone. We'll still have to do this the old fashioned way, but I might try it on my husband! {wink}
What are your favorite things to help you accomplish your cleaning goals and To-Do Lists? Have you used this app?
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm sharing this with a few of these friends!


  1. Oh- No! Is it time for Fall cleaning? Didn't I just finish the Spring cleaning? xo Diana

  2. I just love to be organized and your list will be helpful to so many, thank you for sharing. I would love to have you to link up at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick


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