
Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Make a Last-Minute Poodle Skirt

When your daughter comes to you the week of Halloween during your last week of blogging for 31 Days straight and it's one of your busiest weeks with various other activities going on and tells you she needs a poodle skirt, what are you suppose to do? The only option I had was to make one. And it just so happened that I had no time to do it until the day before the 50th Day of School Celebration. Our K5ers celebrate the 50th day by having a sock hop and doing all kinds of activities around the number 50. The kids are encouraged to dress in 50's fashion, although they have no clue what that means, and my little princess just had to have a poodle skirt. So, this is how I did it. And if you find yourself suddenly needing a poodle skirt, this tutorial is for you!

Please keep in mind that this tutorial is costume quality - meaning it will not be sewn exactly by the rules. My goal was to make a skirt as quickly as possible with as little resources possible. I literally made this in 30 minutes (if you exclude the breaks I had to take to run 3 different unrelated errands in between time). It will still last for years if it is properly taken care of.

With right sides of fabric together, sew each side seam together using a standard stitch with 3/4" seam allowance. Pin each side first if you need to.
Turn right side out and fold over the rough cut edge about 1 inch. {If you want a finished seam on the inside of waistband, fold over once - iron. Then, fold over again - iron.} Now, sew a seam close to the bottom edge of the section you just folded over. Remember to leave about a 3 inch wide opening so you have room to slide in your elastic. Slide in your elastic and sew the opening closed.
For a full tutorial on sewing an elastic waist skirt, go here.
I found mine here. I printed it and then enlarged it on my copier to 150%.
My little 50's girl had a swell day making a fruit loop necklace with 50 pieces, crafting several things about the #50 and hula hooping at her sock hop while drinking her first coke float. I'd say it was a good day! I only wish I had taken a pic of her before school!

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