
Monday, January 20, 2014

How to Make a Kitchen Towel

This weekend my good {and very creative and talented} friend and I had planned a fun little sewing class for ladies in our church and community. It was our first of {hopefully} many and everyone seemed to really enjoy it! I know I did. Who doesn't love a girls' morning out with no kids?? It was much fun! Kylee did most of the planning for it and the purchasing of supplies and pretty much all of the leg work and ended up not getting to come thanks to a virus going around. It was a bummer, but hopefully that's behind us and we can start planning our next event!

We wanted to start out with something easy and basic so it was Kylee's idea to make a kitchen towel. It turned out to be a great project! Very practical and so enjoyable to make.
Our mission is to show people that sewing is really not as hard and intimidating as it seems. Anyone can do it and it's such a rewarding hobby, not to mention a life skill!
We had the fabric already cut so that each person could just come in and get started. I made one the other day so I could take it as an example. Here's how we made them...

Cut your muslin to the desired size. It should be a nice rectangular shape. You can use a kitchen towel you already own as a guide to measure and cut your fabric.
Next, you want to finish all four edges by turning the edge under 1/4 inch. Iron. Then, turn it down another 1/4 inch. Iron again. Finally, sew around the edges.

Now, for the fun part! Embellishing. As you can see from the above pictures, the sky is the limit when it comes to embellishing. I made mine with an applique. You can learn how to make an applique here.

This turned out to be so fun! I am already looking forward to our next event!
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  1. love it and had forgotten what a great and quick hostess gift or birthday gift for a friend this is .

    1. Thanks! I love how easy these are! I'm planning to keep some muslin on hand for hostess gifts. Great idea!

  2. Cute ideas, Amy. I love those fast little projects that are easy to do. My little granddaughter has been sewing for a couple of years. These would be fun for her to do, too. xo Diana

    1. These would be perfect for her to make! I think I'll teach my daughter how to make these. So simple!


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