
Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's Favorite Fabric Picks

When I was young, I used to love going to my mamaw's house. She and Papaw lived in the country and everything about going to their house was fun. However, one particular part I liked was their basement. In the basement was a separate room with many things stored in it. As you walked into the room, there were shelves on the righthand side that my papaw probably built. On those shelves was stored yards and yards of fabric that my mamaw had made anything from dresses to quilts with. I LOVED playing with that fabric, especially the polyester fabric. It was vintage back then and that was 30 years ago! There was one that was my favorite - it was white with small red triangles on it and toward the bottom of the fabric, it blended into all red. I remember one dress my mamaw made herself from that fabric. As you may have figured out from previous posts, I love fabric and sometimes have quite the stash of it in my craft room. Thankfully, right now the stash is under control, but as I was looking around online today I found some really fun prints I'd like to get. Check these out!

 Ahoy, Matey by Michael Miller - I think this would make an adorable skirt for my almost 6 year old! The nautical theme seems to be a popular style for this year. {Is it ever out of style?}

Apparently, I have a thing for navy blue right now. What are your favorite fabric brands and colors right now? Have any to recommend to me?
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