
Friday, May 10, 2013

Framed Birdcage {Tutorial}

I've been on the lookout for a cute, metal birdcage to hang on the wall in my daughter's room. I had seen some at Hobby Lobby, but wasn't sure yet about purchasing one until the other day. The metal art was all 50% off again and I knew it was time to buy. I'm working on updating my oldest daughter's room, but unsure of the whole plan yet. So, I'm just working on it as I find things I like. This is one project I've been thinking about for awhile. I don't know if it's because I saw my sister do a project similar a couple years ago or if I just liked it some much I wanted to do one somewhere in my house, but here it is....

{This room is a work in progress, as you can see, but I decided to swallow my pride and keep it real for the picture. Hopefully, in a couple of months, I can show you an 'After' pic!!}

I'm sharing this with some of these parties.

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