
Friday, October 4, 2013

How to Plan a Party or other Themed Event {+ free printable}

Have you ever planned a party or other themed meal? If so, you know there is alot of preparation involved. I love a themed meal/event, but it's been awhile since I've planned one or attended one other than a birthday party. Hubs & I work in the college class at our church and college years are great for themed events! Last year, we had a Pancakes & Praise event and a Christmas costume party that were super fun. We did have a cookout at our house this past summer. Although, there was no official theme, I used red/white/blue accents as the focus.
Themed meals/events may seem a little overwhelming to plan, but if you use a detailed plan like the one below, you'll see it isn't as hard as it looks.
Themed Meal Plan by Life is {Sew} Daily - Click link to download or print.

{There are two pages, so don't forget to scroll down for second page.}
Here are a few inspiration boards for themed meals/events that I'd love to host!
How do you plan for themed meals/events? Do you use Pinterest to keep up with all of your inspiration or as an idea board? This has challenged me to plan my own themed meal soon! Has it inspired you?

This is part of my 31 Days of Home Economics series that you can follow here. Please follow along and share with your friends!

I'm sharing this with some of these friends!
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  1. Now I want to have a themed meal just because! The last party I planned was a Super Bowl birthday party for my husband. I used Pinterest to organize my ideas, but the printable you shared will be very helpful next time! I'm looking forward to checking out your Pinterest boards!

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I want to plan a themed meal again, too! I've been thinking about doing one just for my family first. I think they'd be surprised and it would be fun! This is something I'm trying to work on. I'm not the best at planning these, but I love when I'm invited to one!


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