Do this little exercise in time management to see if you are using your valuable time wisely.
- Journal your day starting from when you wake up until you go to bed.
- Write down what you did that day in 15 minute increments. You may want to stop every hour for a second to write it down otherwise you may forget. We do SO MUCH everyday!
- At the end of the day, look over it and analyze how your time was spent.
- Did you find you had several sections of time that were not productive? I know that I do have some that I could be using to do those small things on my list. I'll give you some ideas below.
- Do you have too much on your to do list? It's possible you need to rethink your list and determine what things you need to remove or move to another day/time.
- Clean out a drawer.
- Fold a basket of clothes.
- Distribute clothes to a room.
- Wash windows in one room.
- Dust one room.
- Vacuum one room.
- Sweep the porch.
- Clean a half bath.
- Refill paper products - toilet paper, napkins, paper towels.
- Clean mirrors.
- Hang up clothes.
- Write a thank you note.
- Send a card or email or text to someone you need to connect with.
- Write a grocery list
- Pick up everything in one room that doesn't belong and put it away.
- Throw in a load of laundry.
- Switch clothes to dryer.
- Wipe down counters
- Wipe down kitchen sink.
- Clean out refrigerator.
- Empty dishwasher
- Load dishwasher
- ETC.
The goal is to multitask when you can and use every slot of time in the best possible way. Schedule some down time if you need it, by all means, but make sure you're not just wasting time when there are a million things to be done.
If there are things on your list that never get done, ask yourself:
- Is this item absolutely necessary?
- Does it benefit my family or cause me to neglect my family?
- Is doing this item causing frustration in me or in my family members? {Maybe from lack of planning, feeling rushed, doing too much...}
- Determine your priorities ahead of time. {Family, Church, Work, School, etc.}
- What are you willing to sacrifice and not sacrifice from time to time?
- What kind of demands fall into each of those categories?
How do you manage your time? Do you use a daily to-do list? Do you plan each item for a specific time? Or does it work for you to just fly by the seat of your pants? I'd love to hear your tips!
Here are some great day planners for 2015 you can get for a good deal!
The Inner Guide 2015 Planner - 5 Star Reviews! From Amazon...
- 8"x9" light-weight and convenient carrying size, 204 pages
- 2-page spread per week for appointments including a structure for developing awareness, accountability and reflection
- 2-page spread BEFORE each month to help you plan ahead and a 2-page spread AFTER each month to help you assess the quality of your month. Plus, a BONUS 2-page Mid-Year section
- Unique goal-setting chart featuring nine important areas of life to help you brainstorm your yearly and monthly goals
At a Glance Monthly Planner 2015 - Perfect for looking at your whole month. I like to use monthly planners for doing bills, keeping track of family appointments, events, etc.
2015 Mom Do-it-All Weekly Planner - Great reviews and perfect for all the busy moms running from this place to that with a van full of kids or teens.
This is part of my 31 Days of Home Economics series. You can find the full list at the tab above {Home Economics}.
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I'm sharing this with a few of these friends! Thanks for stopping by!

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